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 Cette image montre une personne portant des gants jaunes et utilisant un pulvérisateur à main pour appliquer un traitement anti odeur suite à un dégât d'incendie. L'équipement de pulvérisation comprend un réservoir jaune et une pompe bleue, indiquant un usage professionnel pour la décontamination ou le nettoyage des surfaces endommagées. Cette image est idéale pour illustrer des articles ou des sites web traitant du traitement des odeurs après un incendie, des techniques de décontamination, ou des services de restauration après sinistre

Anti-Odor Treatment Following Fire Damage

Après un incendie, l'une des tâches les plus difficiles est de se débarrasser des odeurs persistantes de fumée et de brûlé.


Ces odeurs peuvent imprégner les murs, les meubles, les textiles et même l’air, rendant les lieux inconfortables et insalubres.


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Why does the smell of smoke persist after a fire?

Illustration showing the impact of smoke particles on porous materials.

The smell of smoke results from the incomplete combustion of organic materials.

During a fire, fine soot particles are released into the air and infiltrate deep into porous materials such as wood, fabrics, and even painted surfaces.

These particles, responsible for the lingering odor, can remain trapped in surfaces for months or even years if not treated properly.

The nature of the materials burned influences the odor

Burned materials, such as wood, paper and plastic, on a table.

The intensity and duration of the odor depends largely on the materials that were burned during the fire.

For example :

• Wood and paper: These organic materials produce thick smoke and a persistent odor because they release a large amount of soot.

• Plastic: Burning plastics generate toxins and chemical residues that not only leave a strong odor, but can also be harmful to health.

• Fabrics: Carpets, curtains and other fabrics quickly absorb odors and should be cleaned or replaced after a fire.

The essential steps of anti-odor treatment after a fire

Odor treatment is not limited to simple surface cleaning. To effectively eradicate smoke odor, it is necessary to follow a methodical approach.

Here are the essential steps for treating smoke odors after a fire.

1. Ventilation and air purification

Une pièce ventilée avec un purificateur d’air moderne en fonctionnement.

The first step in combating smoke odor is to thoroughly ventilate areas affected by the fire.

Good ventilation allows the air to be renewed and some of the odorous particles to dissipate:

• Open all windows: Ventilation is essential to reduce the intensity of the odor in the first few days following the fire.

• Use of air purifiers: Air purifiers equipped with HEPA filters are effective in capturing fine soot particles suspended in the air, thereby reducing the smell of smoke.

2. Deep cleaning of surfaces

Cleaning smoke-affected surfaces to remove odors.

To eliminate the smell of smoke, it is essential to thoroughly clean all affected surfaces, even those that do not appear to be directly affected by the fire:

• Cleaning walls and ceilings: Use detergents specially formulated to dissolve soot and smoke residue.

Applying a stain-resistant undercoat before repainting is often necessary to prevent the odor from reappearing.

• Floor treatment: Carpets and rugs should be steam cleaned or sent to a specialist service.

Hard floors, such as tiles or parquet, should be carefully washed with degreasing products.

3. Cleaning textiles and absorbent objects

Nettoyage professionnel des tissus dans une blanchisserie spécialisée.

Fabrics, upholstered furniture, and other porous materials easily absorb the smell of smoke.

Here are some techniques to treat them:

• Professional dry cleaning: Send curtains, clothes and carpets to a specialist dry cleaning service to remove odours.

• Using steam cleaners: Steam cleaners are particularly effective for treating upholstery and mattresses because the heat helps disinfect and remove odor-causing particles.

Professional methods of odor treatment after a fire

Although some cleaning methods can be performed by homeowners themselves, professional odor treatment methods are often essential for long-lasting and effective results.

Here are the techniques most used by disaster cleanup specialists.

1. Ozone treatment

Ozone machine operating in a room after a disaster.

Ozone treatment is one of the most effective methods for eliminating smoke odor after a fire.

Ozone is a gas that neutralizes odorous particles by oxidizing them.

Here's how it works:

• Odor neutralization: Ozone penetrates materials and destroys odor-causing molecules.

This method is particularly effective for large areas and spaces that are difficult to ventilate.

• Safety of use: Ozone treatment must be carried out by professionals, as direct exposure to ozone can be dangerous to health.

Treated areas should be evacuated during the process and well ventilated afterwards.

2. Use of nebulizers and misters

Diffusion of a deodorizing product with a nebulizer in a living room.

Nebulizers or misters are used to diffuse deodorizing agents into the air, which neutralize odors at the source:

• Diffusion of deodorizing solutions: These devices spray fine particles of neutralizing products which penetrate into fabrics and materials to eliminate smoke odors.

• Use in closed areas : Ideal for treating small rooms or poorly ventilated areas.

3. Activated carbon filters

Air purifier using activated carbon filters to absorb odors.

Air purifiers equipped with activated carbon filters are particularly effective in removing residual smoke odors:

• Absorption of odorous particles: Activated carbon is a porous material that absorbs volatile organic compounds (VOCs) responsible for odors.

• Prolonged use: Activated carbon filters must be changed regularly to maintain their effectiveness.

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